Cinnamon oil and Casava oil

If you’ve ever looked up cinnamon oil, chances are you’ve stumbled upon info about cassia oil too. Wondering what sets them apart? Well, you’re in luck! Let me break it down for you.

Here’s a quick overview:

Cassia Oil

  • Comes from the bark of the Cassia tree
  • Packs a punch with its strong, spicy flavor
  • Often seen as lower quality due to higher levels of coumarin
  • Most cinnamon you find at the store is cassia cinnamon

Ceylon Cinnamon Oil

  • Extracted from the bark of the Ceylon Cinnamon Tree
  • Also known as True Cinnamon
  • Offers a sweeter, warmer flavor
  • Considered the highest quality cinnamon, which also means it’s pricier and a bit harder to find

These oils may share similar health benefits, but there’s a big difference – coumarin.

Cassia oil contains high levels of coumarin, a substance that can be toxic and harm your liver and kidneys with prolonged use. Just a small amount of cassia oil can be risky. On the other hand, Ceylon cinnamon oil has much lower levels of coumarin, making it safer for regular use. While it might cost more, it’s worth it for the better quality and safer experience. You can use Ceylon cinnamon oil daily, while cassia cinnamon oil should be limited to once a week.

It’s important to note that cassia oil is sometimes wrongly labeled as cinnamon oil. Hopefully, this explanation helps you make an informed choice!

Now, what can you use cinnamon essential oil for?

Ollie’s Ceylon Cinnamon oil is one of my favorite oils for its versatility. It mixes well with other essential oils and offers a wide range of health and general use benefits. Trust me, you won’t regret having a bottle of this goodness in your collection!

Fun fact: Did you know that cinnamon was once considered more valuable than gold? It’s true!